Bede of Illumination
By: Robert Shawn Rowland
Wesath Ge hal, Halgas! Waes Þu hal, Gréat Stapol! Was Hal, Eacene Wielle!
Læden me fram sceadu to lihtig
Læden me fram dyderung to swilcnes
Læden me fram gewitlæsnes to wisdòm
Læden me fram nacodnes to wuldor
Læden me fram weorþlæsnes to getrwyð
Læden me fram yrre to swétnesse
Læden me fram ðéostru to wynn
Læden me fram ealdorbealu to ealdorsingal
Læden me fram sceadu to lihtig
Translation: Hail Holy Ones! Hail Mighty Pillar! Hail Eternal Well!
Lead me from shadow to illumination
Lead me from delusion to suchness
Lead me from nakedness to glory
Lead me from worthlessness to honour
Lead me from anger to sweetness
Lead me from gloom to joy
Lead me from life’s end to life eternal Lead me from shadow to illumination
This blog is dedicated to expressing my musings on this Heathen path in my life. Here you will find poetry, personal accounts, general musing, rants, academic questioning, and everything in between. Have a horn of virtual mead and feel free to comment, lend advice, or tell of your own experiences. Thank you.
About Me

- Robert Shawn Rowland
- I am a seeker of meaning, truth, and the Divine. I have been a practicing polytheist since 1997 and a lover of philosophy and theology since even before then. Most of this time I have been a Germanic Heathen, but I have also slowly taken to the practice of Gaelic Reconstructionist Polytheism. I am happily married, a hobbyist musician, a poet, pyrographer, sports fan, and pretty darn good cook. This blog will contain poems, rants, and musings relevant to my ever winding spiritual journey.
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