Do Gods Intervene in Everyday Life – My UPG and Thor
By: Carrie Rowland
About a month before Ostara this year my husband, Shawn and I got into a discussion about Thor. Shawn said he didn't really have much to say to Thunor, despite the fact that he thought he was a pretty cool god, but that Thunor was a little more of the "man's man.” We agreed we really wouldn’t know how to relate to Thunor. Well, Thunor quickly proved that we were wrong.
Then came Ostara, and we had an unexplainable inner urge to talk to Thunor about me getting a teaching job outside of Kentucky. We started asking to bless the harvest and the sowing of seeds in metaphoric way; talking about the job applications I've put in and the jobs I wanted.
Two weeks later, I got the acceptance letter for the job I will be starting in the fall. The next day Shawn got online, found the apartment we now live in and talked to the management of the complex. It was the only place we ever looked into and it was perfect. Another concern of ours was finance, but this apartment complex also has a military benefit program (because my father was in the military) that all of our deposits were waived ($600). It was perfect.
Then came the day of the tornados that flattened towns in the Midwest. Shawn was driving home from Dayton during several tornado warnings and watches. He asked Thunor to help him get through it, and despite all the warnings of the day, he wasn't even bothered by strong winds!! (In a Geo Metro, that's an accomplishment onto itself). Although the local news said there were 20 funnel clouds spotted on his route home! Of course now I found out later, he promised Thor two bottles of Belgian ale if he got home all right. Thank Thunor, he got home safely! Also that night, a tornado hit Maysville, Kentucky, 45 minutes away from us, and was heading our way. Shawn went outside, asked Thunor’s blessings again that the tornado stays away from our town and offered him the ale in thanks. The tornado dissipated before reaching us. That night we had storms and floods, which ironically flooded the house of a lady I used to work with who tried to get me fired. Everyone we cared for was safe.
Then the day before we moved, we found out two pieces of bad news. For one, we can't get the 14-foot truck we ordered - we're getting a 24-foot!! Secondly, our old landlord refused to show up for an inspection and refused to send someone out in time for us to be there.
To make this part short and sweet, within the next two days we realize that the 14-foot wouldn't have been big enough for our stuff, and somehow we got our entire deposit back from our landlord.
Now... if that isn't some divine intervention...
This blog is dedicated to expressing my musings on this Heathen path in my life. Here you will find poetry, personal accounts, general musing, rants, academic questioning, and everything in between. Have a horn of virtual mead and feel free to comment, lend advice, or tell of your own experiences. Thank you.
About Me

- Robert Shawn Rowland
- I am a seeker of meaning, truth, and the Divine. I have been a practicing polytheist since 1997 and a lover of philosophy and theology since even before then. Most of this time I have been a Germanic Heathen, but I have also slowly taken to the practice of Gaelic Reconstructionist Polytheism. I am happily married, a hobbyist musician, a poet, pyrographer, sports fan, and pretty darn good cook. This blog will contain poems, rants, and musings relevant to my ever winding spiritual journey.
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